Programming Description

This new exploration, I learn how to programming the things in the computer. This is my first time that I learn programming. Also my amazing teacher just come from US, teach us all of this messy stuff. On the first day, I feel really happy because I get to learn new things. I’m prepare myself, get ready to learn what teacher teach. On the end of the class I get nothing because that subject really hard to understand for me. I love art, reading, grammar, football, math, Algebra etc…… are the reasons why I get nothing. But I tell myself, try your best Vornsar, you can do it. After I learn for one week, I get some of the information. I think my teachers and friends didn’t know that I am not understand most of them. I am shy to ask and answer some of them. The second weeks, I am braver than before. I can understand about it, but I can’t remember the things. Other weeks I get all of them. I remember and understand more about the loops and programming. I have made Rock, Paper, scissor, turtle game, Hangman and the last is Guess Liger. Thiny, SG and I are making the Guessing Liger game. SG writing the description, Thiny edit the pictures, I am the one who programming, find the solution to import the pictures and fix the problem, control in team also fix the problem for other people in class. At the end of the exploration, I feel very happy because the process that I get is high than what I expect. So this is a big improvement for me to learn the new things that I never know or don’t like. If I don’t try hard to learn this, I will lose my times that other people want it.

This is our Guessing Liger program. It a little bit long but we use only 2 week to make it. If you want to play just download the Pygame or Python and try to make somethings interesting.

import random
import pygame
# Wellcome to the game

print ‘Wellcome to Guess Liger Game!!’
print ‘By:Vornsar, Samnang.G, Thiny’

# Rules
print ‘Rules:’
print ‘1, You can guess only one letter’
print ‘2, You can only enter the letter from a-z (lowercase).’
print ‘3, If you use the hint picture, we will take out on point from you.’

# instruction
print ‘Instruction:’
print ‘There are 10 guesses availible for you. If you guess right, the letter will show in the wrong section. But if you wrong, it will show in the wrong section. In the game we will show you the hints and pictures for you to estimate who are they.’
print ‘Good luck!!’

restart = True
while restart == True:
# list of the words
words = [‘chhoeu’, ‘chimean’, ‘dalin’, ‘david’, ‘davith’, ‘hongly’, ‘kangnaneat’, ‘kanha’, ‘ketya’, ‘kimseng’, ‘lux’, ‘menghout’, ‘mengthong’, ‘nilroth’, ‘niron’, ‘panharith’, ‘puthea’, ‘rathanak’, ‘rithy’, ‘samady’, ‘samnangh’, ‘samnangn’, ‘seyha’, ‘sokea’, ‘soliday’, ‘somphors’, ‘sophat’, ‘sopheak’, ‘sopor’, ‘souyeth’, ‘sovannary’, ‘sovannou’, ‘sreyleap’, ‘sreyneang’, ‘neang’, ‘sreynith’, ‘sreypich’, ‘sythong’, ‘theara’, ‘thiny’, ‘vattey’, ‘venghour’, ‘visal’, ‘vitou’, ‘vornsar’, ‘vuthy’, ‘marady’, ‘makara’, ‘maya’, ‘malika’, ‘channa’, ‘kim’, ‘phany’, ‘sreymeas’, ‘sreyneang’, ‘theary’, ‘agnieszka’, ‘alli’, ‘bunthan’, ‘caroline’, ‘corey’, ‘dom’, ‘jojo’, ‘max’, ‘jeffb’, ‘jeffh’, ‘phearun’, ‘reksmey’, ‘sokha’, ‘sophorn’, ‘trevor’]
# list of the descriptions
descriptions = [‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play guitar and good at swimming.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take picture, speak loudly.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) comes from many province.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is small but run fast.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at sport, espacially basketball.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is very young.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is so quiet in class but crazy outside the class.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to eat candy.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play minecraft.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) used to have a strain of hair near his/her chin.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) takes care of his/her hairstyle’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at goalie.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) loves his/her towel so much.’, ‘This person (might be she/he)likes to talk about minecraft.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at drawing the picture.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has the nickname that the same as thing that we use.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has thin leg.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to eat salty food.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at kicking left leg.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play keyboard.’, ‘This person likes Camila Cabello, singer. ‘, ‘This person (might be she/he) has been talking in the radio.’, ‘This person likes to stay lonely and quiet. She/He likes fenix, the animal.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take selfie.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sing in class.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to learn about criminal.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has parent work at his/her school.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to read magical/mysterious book.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play game.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) come from Takeo.’, ‘This person likes rose. Poem is her/his friend.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sing.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sit at the couch in green room.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) loves to sing “Just Give The Reason”.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes cobra snake.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes Neymar.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take two fingers style picture.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sew.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play football.’, ‘This person likes purple. She/he is good at Literacy.’, ‘This person some from Takeo. Toys group have been to her house.’, ‘This person rides bike the most. He/she likes blue.’, ‘This person likes to read book. She/He makes a nick name of soup for Nary.’, ‘This person like golden. Frog is his/her enermy.’, ‘This person loves art, music and reading. She/he is love blue dragon.’, ‘This person is very passionate about technology.’, ‘This person is very passionate about football. His/her hair is very nice.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is organized and prepared.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) lives in house two in the third year.’, ‘This person is lefty. She/he does not hate typing.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) live in house 1 for 3 years.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) best buddy with someone name start with S.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) afraid of toad.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) house name is Marine Orca.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) Kanha likes to poke this person.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) wear glasses and taking care of everyone.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have one cute daughter.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) love to play frisbee.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) went to Koh Kong with eco 4.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) like clean and prepare.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have long brown hair.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) Lux wants his hair to looks like the hair of this person.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is super strong.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) good at technology.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) hate something on the wall at the green room.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) spend time running across Cambodia.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) good at physic.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) been to another country.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) master of Khmer.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) come to Liger at the second year.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have the biggest role in Liger.’]
# list of the pictures
pictures = [‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Chhoeu.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Chimean.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Dalin.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\David.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Davith.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Hongly.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Kangnaneat.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Kanha.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Ketya.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Kimseng.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Lux.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Menghout.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Mengthong.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Nilroth.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Niron.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Panharith.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Puthea.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Rattanak.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Rithy.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Samady.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Samnang H.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Samnang N.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Seyha.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sokea.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Soliday.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Somphors.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sophat.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sopheak.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sopor.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Souyeth.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sovannary.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sovannou.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreyleap.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreyneang L.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreyneang O.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreynith.png’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreypich.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sythong.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Theara.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Thiny.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Vattey.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Venghour.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Visal.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Vitou.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Vornsar.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Vuthy.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Marady.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Makara.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Maya.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Malika.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Channa.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Kim.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Phany.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Sreymeas.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\sreyneang.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Theary.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Agnieszka.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Alli.jpeg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Bunthan.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Caroline.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Corey.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Dom.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Jojo.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Max.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Jeff.B.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\jeffrey.h.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Phearun.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\reksmey.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\sokha.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\sophorn.jpg’,
‘C:\Users\Thiny\Pictures\Liger Students\Trevor.jpg’]
# choose randoom words
letter = random.randint(0,len(words)-1)
name = words[letter]
des = descriptions[letter]
pic = pictures[letter]

#display words
# length of the words
length_of_word = len(name)
print length_of_word, “characters are in this word”

#display line
list_of_line = [‘_’]
for length_of_word in xrange (0, len(name)-1):
print list_of_line

#Get the guess
life = 10
guessed_letter = [‘_’]

while life > 0 and “_” in list_of_line:

#Check if guess is the alphabet
print des
guess = raw_input(‘Type a-z (lowercase and one character) guess or enter 1 to show the pictures ‘)
alphabet = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘o’, ‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’]

while(guess ‘z’) and guess != ‘1’ or len(guess) != 1:
guess = raw_input (“Type a-z(lowercase and 1 character) to guess or 1 to show the pictures.”)
print guess

if guess == “1”:
from pygame.locals import *
white = [255, 255, 255]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 1000))
image = pygame.image.load(pic).convert_alpha()
screen.blit(image, [0,0])

while guess in guessed_letter:
print “You have already put this letter!”
guess = raw_input (“Please enter your guess (from a-z and only 1 letter)”)
print guess

# Guess is one character

# letter is in the word (right or wrong)
index = 0
if guess in name:
for i in xrange(0,len(name)):
if name[i] == guess:
print ‘Correct’
index = i
list_of_line[index] = guess
print “Incorrect”
life = life – 1
print “life is”, life
print list_of_line

if life == 0:
print “You lost!”
print “You won!”[/wr_column]][wr_text]This new exploration, I learn how to programming the things in the computer. This is my first time that I learn programming. Also my amazing teacher just come from US, teach us all of this messy stuff. On the first day, I feel really happy because I get to learn new things. I’m prepare myself, get ready to learn what teacher teach. On the end of the class I get nothing because that subject really hard to understand for me. I love art, reading, grammar, football, math, Algebra etc…… are the reasons why I get nothing. But I tell myself, try your best Vornsar, you can do it. After I learn for one week, I get some of the information. I think my teachers and friends didn’t know that I am not understand most of them. I am shy to ask and answer some of them. The second weeks, I am braver than before. I can understand about it, but I can’t remember the things. Other weeks I get all of them. I remember and understand more about the loops and programming. I have made Rock, Paper, scissor, turtle game, Hangman and the last is Guess Liger. Thiny, SG and I are making the Guessing Liger game. SG writing the description, Thiny edit the pictures, I am the one who programming, find the solution to import the pictures and fix the problem, control in team also fix the problem for other people in class. At the end of the exploration, I feel very happy because the process that I get is high than what I expect. So this is a big improvement for me to learn the new things that I never know or don’t like. If I don’t try hard to learn this, I will lose my times that other people want it.

This is our Guessing Liger program. It a little bit long but we use only 2 week to make it. If you want to play just download the Pygame or Python and try to make somethings interesting.

import random
import pygame
# Wellcome to the game

print ‘Wellcome to Guess Liger Game!!’
print ‘By:Vornsar, Samnang.G, Thiny’

# Rules
print ‘Rules:’
print ‘1, You can guess only one letter’
print ‘2, You can only enter the letter from a-z (lowercase).’
print ‘3, If you use the hint picture, we will take out on point from you.’

# instruction
print ‘Instruction:’
print ‘There are 10 guesses availible for you. If you guess right, the letter will show in the wrong section. But if you wrong, it will show in the wrong section. In the game we will show you the hints and pictures for you to estimate who are they.’
print ‘Good luck!!’

restart = True
while restart == True:
# list of the words
words = [‘chhoeu’, ‘chimean’, ‘dalin’, ‘david’, ‘davith’, ‘hongly’, ‘kangnaneat’, ‘kanha’, ‘ketya’, ‘kimseng’, ‘lux’, ‘menghout’, ‘mengthong’, ‘nilroth’, ‘niron’, ‘panharith’, ‘puthea’, ‘rathanak’, ‘rithy’, ‘samady’, ‘samnangh’, ‘samnangn’, ‘seyha’, ‘sokea’, ‘soliday’, ‘somphors’, ‘sophat’, ‘sopheak’, ‘sopor’, ‘souyeth’, ‘sovannary’, ‘sovannou’, ‘sreyleap’, ‘sreyneang’, ‘neang’, ‘sreynith’, ‘sreypich’, ‘sythong’, ‘theara’, ‘thiny’, ‘vattey’, ‘venghour’, ‘visal’, ‘vitou’, ‘vornsar’, ‘vuthy’, ‘marady’, ‘makara’, ‘maya’, ‘malika’, ‘channa’, ‘kim’, ‘phany’, ‘sreymeas’, ‘sreyneang’, ‘theary’, ‘agnieszka’, ‘alli’, ‘bunthan’, ‘caroline’, ‘corey’, ‘dom’, ‘jojo’, ‘max’, ‘jeffb’, ‘jeffh’, ‘phearun’, ‘reksmey’, ‘sokha’, ‘sophorn’, ‘trevor’]
# list of the descriptions
descriptions = [‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play guitar and good at swimming.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take picture, speak loudly.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) comes from many province.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is small but run fast.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at sport, espacially basketball.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is very young.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is so quiet in class but crazy outside the class.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to eat candy.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play minecraft.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) used to have a strain of hair near his/her chin.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) takes care of his/her hairstyle’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at goalie.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) loves his/her towel so much.’, ‘This person (might be she/he)likes to talk about minecraft.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at drawing the picture.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has the nickname that the same as thing that we use.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has thin leg.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to eat salty food.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is good at kicking left leg.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play keyboard.’, ‘This person likes Camila Cabello, singer. ‘, ‘This person (might be she/he) has been talking in the radio.’, ‘This person likes to stay lonely and quiet. She/He likes fenix, the animal.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take selfie.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sing in class.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to learn about criminal.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) has parent work at his/her school.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to read magical/mysterious book.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play game.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) come from Takeo.’, ‘This person likes rose. Poem is her/his friend.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sing.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sit at the couch in green room.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) loves to sing “Just Give The Reason”.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes cobra snake.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes Neymar.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to take two fingers style picture.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to sew.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) likes to play football.’, ‘This person likes purple. She/he is good at Literacy.’, ‘This person some from Takeo. Toys group have been to her house.’, ‘This person rides bike the most. He/she likes blue.’, ‘This person likes to read book. She/He makes a nick name of soup for Nary.’, ‘This person like golden. Frog is his/her enermy.’, ‘This person loves art, music and reading. She/he is love blue dragon.’, ‘This person is very passionate about technology.’, ‘This person is very passionate about football. His/her hair is very nice.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is organized and prepared.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) lives in house two in the third year.’, ‘This person is lefty. She/he does not hate typing.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) live in house 1 for 3 years.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) best buddy with someone name start with S.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) afraid of toad.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) house name is Marine Orca.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) Kanha likes to poke this person.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) wear glasses and taking care of everyone.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have one cute daughter.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) love to play frisbee.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) went to Koh Kong with eco 4.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) like clean and prepare.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have long brown hair.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) Lux wants his hair to looks like the hair of this person.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) is super strong.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) good at technology.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) hate something on the wall at the green room.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) spend time running across Cambodia.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) good at physic.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) been to another country.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) master of Khmer.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) come to Liger at the second year.’, ‘This person (might be she/he) have the biggest role in Liger.’]
# list of the pictures
pictures = [‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsChhoeu.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsChimean.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsDalin.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsDavid.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsDavith.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsHongly.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsKangnaneat.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsKanha.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsKetya.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsKimseng.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsLux.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMenghout.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMengthong.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsNilroth.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsNiron.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsPanharith.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsPuthea.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsRattanak.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsRithy.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSamady.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSamnang H.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSamnang N.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSeyha.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSokea.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSoliday.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSomphors.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSophat.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSopheak.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSopor.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSouyeth.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSovannary.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSovannou.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreyleap.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreyneang L.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreyneang O.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreynith.png’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreypich.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSythong.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsTheara.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsThiny.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVattey.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVenghour.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVisal.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVitou.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVornsar.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsVuthy.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMarady.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMakara.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMaya.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMalika.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsChanna.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsKim.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsPhany.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsSreymeas.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger Studentssreyneang.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsTheary.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsAgnieszka.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsAlli.jpeg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsBunthan.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsCaroline.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsCorey.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsDom.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsJojo.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsMax.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsJeff.B.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger Studentsjeffrey.h.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsPhearun.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger Studentsreksmey.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger Studentssokha.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger Studentssophorn.jpg’,
‘C:UsersThinyPicturesLiger StudentsTrevor.jpg’]
# choose randoom words
letter = random.randint(0,len(words)-1)
name = words[letter]
des = descriptions[letter]
pic = pictures[letter]

#display words
# length of the words
length_of_word = len(name)
print length_of_word, “characters are in this word”

#display line
list_of_line = [‘_’]
for length_of_word in xrange (0, len(name)-1):
print list_of_line

#Get the guess
life = 10
guessed_letter = [‘_’]

while life > 0 and “_” in list_of_line:

#Check if guess is the alphabet
print des
guess = raw_input(‘Type a-z (lowercase and one character) guess or enter 1 to show the pictures ‘)
alphabet = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘o’, ‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’]

while(guess ‘z’) and guess != ‘1’ or len(guess) != 1:
guess = raw_input (“Type a-z(lowercase and 1 character) to guess or 1 to show the pictures.”)
print guess

if guess == “1”:
from pygame.locals import *
white = [255, 255, 255]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 1000))
image = pygame.image.load(pic).convert_alpha()
screen.blit(image, [0,0])

while guess in guessed_letter:
print “You have already put this letter!”
guess = raw_input (“Please enter your guess (from a-z and only 1 letter)”)
print guess

# Guess is one character

# letter is in the word (right or wrong)
index = 0
if guess in name:
for i in xrange(0,len(name)):
if name[i] == guess:
print ‘Correct’
index = i
list_of_line[index] = guess
print “Incorrect”
life = life – 1
print “life is”, life
print list_of_line

if life == 0:
print “You lost!”
print “You won!”[/wr_text][/wr_column][/wr_row]

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